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Christmas Fun DJ Quick Party Celebration Starter                              Do Nothing! No waste hours,days on design  Your Digital  Photos Scrapbook! Relax,Have Fun,Enjoy Your Holidays Memories!  

Christmas Party Fun 
Title: Christmas Fun DJ  Type:Software;MediaProduct  Platform:PC                                License:Standard(1user -  1hardware)  Size: 3.5MB
Price:$19.99USD   for  file (download/email); $29.64USD for CD-ROM by mail!

Description: Autorun Media Product  with  standalone  Setup.exe to work with  pre-installed by PC     manufacturers famous popular  brand software  Audio,MP3 player"Jukebox".System Requirements: Windows OS,     Audio MP3 player"Jukebox" software (all  manufacturers).  

Product # 0110114                              Sale Price$19.99USD                        Sale Tax $0.00USD                       Shipping $0.00USD                          Total  Price $19.99USD  ATTENTION: put your e-mail address in "Payments for" line for software Password delivery!

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Download Now                                   or order onCD-ROM (only iside USA)

Product # X110114                               Sale Price$19.99USD                        Sale Tax $1.66USD                       Shipping $7.99USD                          Total  Price $29.64USD
( type total  in paypal form).
ATTENTION: put your e-mail address in "Payments for" line for software Password delivery!

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  Checkout Our other Ready to Use  Party Fun Media Products  for Major Holidays  includes but not limited: Presidents Day,Valentine, Sent Patrick Day, Memorial Day,4th of July,Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas,  New Year. You are welcome to Order Custom Made to Local/religious Holidays  Holiday Party Fun Media Products!

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Original product is sold as finished , ready  to use now "Christmas Fun DJ  Quick Celebration Starter" software.  No need in organizing  Your own Christmas mini Party in office,home!  Your computer will host party for You!
     You could start use it on PC in 5 minutes  and  easy to install, use by Elementary school students!   Christmas Fun DJ(Host)  starts,runs automatic as part of Famous Jukebox Musicmatch Brand Name software!       You could Simple,Easy,Fast and Cheap  insert unlimited number of your digital photos from past or upcoming Halloween, Christmas, New Year ,Birthday, Superbowl, other parties into this awesome sortware product.
Perfect to Keep as Your One  of Kind
Unique Memories about Awesome Fun !
       Simple,Easy,Fast and Cheap to  Send as gift to Relatives,Friends (free shipping by email). Raise Holiday Spirit,Deliver Strong Message of Love and Respect from You. SaveTime,Money,Reap Multiple Rewards. "Score Big" in Your Relations Career, Success, Life-Priceless!                                          Order,Buy,Pay Now online as Gift in 5minutes. Send(email) us Your photos. Order specific Music,Songs in soundtrack! We customize original product for You!  Get  custom made Fun DJ product  delivered as gift worldwide in next 2 hours.
Inside this Original Hi-Tech  Awesome Software Media Product includes this Music and Songs excerpts to all ages: (Start and Played in order presented and automatic switch to next in line!):  “Blue Christmas” by Elvis Presley;  “Christmas in Your Arms” by Alabama;  “Christmas is Love” by Alabama;  “First Noel” by Bing Cosby;       “Happy Christmas to All And To All a Good Night”;“Deck the Halls”; “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” by Burl Ives;“Happy Holidays” by Alabama; “Here comes Santa Claus” by Bing Cosby;  “Ho Ho Ho by Santa Claus”; "I’ll be home for Christmas” by Bing Cosby ; “Sleigh Bells” ;  “Jingle Bells Rock” by Bobby Helms; “Joy to the World”by Jim Nabors ; “Let it Snow” by Bing Cosby;  “Merry Christmas” by chorus; “Rockin around Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee;“Very Special Christmas”;       “We wish You a Merry Christmas” by Disney Characters; “White Christmas” by Bing Cosby.                                                 Total 12minutes of song & music clips as joint Party Environment and Your  Photos Memories background music!! 
Except Fantastic Music Birthday Fun DJ includes pictures with  Birthday Greetings to all ages (Displayed in simple order presented and automatic switch to next in line!): “Merry Christmas to You ” ;“Christmas Fun Quick Celebration Starter” title; “Happy Birthday, Jesus ”; “We wish You a Merry Christmas”; “Christmas Holiday Art”; “Christmas Holiday Art with Santa”; “Christmas Greetings”;  “Forever Young Strong Beautyfull ”;  “Santa Claus at Christmas Eve”;  “Christmas Tree”;  “Christmas Candystick”; “Success, Fame,Fortune”;"Christmas Candy Boxes” ;  “Christmas  Door Decor” ; “Christmas Gifts”; “Have You Dreams Come True ”;  “Christmas Tree” art; “Christmas Holiday Decoration”; “Christmas Eve and Stockings”;“Santa Claus Dog- helper”;      “Always Have FUN ”; “Christmas Gift in box”; “Christmas Eve Outdoors”;  “Best Wishes to You ”;  “Christmas Eve Outdoors 2”; “Christmas Tree” art 2; “Santa Claus Sleigh Ride”; “Santa Claus HimSelf “;  “Merry Christmas” ;  “White Christmas Eve”; “Christmas Holiday Decoration”; “White Christmas Snowmen”.                                            Want Customize Music,soundtrack , insert Name,Personal Wshes -Order Personal or Luxury Edition! Want longer Music -Order Luxury Edition!
Want to have Custom Made Personalized Products for any  Holiday or event?
Contact us with your Special order and music list, images,text to get estimates and Price to order,instuctions how to order!

Try it before You buy! You could find free Sample of Christmas Party Fun as music video at popular -Click Here!  Download this free sample as small  viruses,adware,spyware free software and have Fun -Click Here!  Do You Like it ?  Order it Now  24/7 by clicking on "Add to Cart" buttons below!                             We guarantee to put More Magic, Fun, Joy, Parties,Games, Holidays, Birthday Entertainment in Your Everyday Life!!

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 Christmas Party Fun  Sales Booster

We offer commercial sales, marketing solutions to Maximum Sales and Profits increase  for  small and large Retail businesses! Try it Risk -Free!

Christmas Party Fun

Title: Christmas Party Fun Sales Booster  Type:Software;MediaProduct  Platform:PC                              License:Commercial(1user -  1hardware)                                         Size: 4.4MB 
Price:$79.99USD   for  file (download/email); $94.58USD for CD-ROM by mail!
                  Description: Autorun Media Product  with  standalone Setup.exe to work with  pre-installed by PC         manufacturers famous popular  brand software  Audio,MP3 player "Jukebox".System Requirements: Windows OS,  Audio MP3 player "Jukebox" software (all  manufacturers).                       Product #0110116                               Sale Price$79.99USD                        Sale Tax $0.00USD                       Shipping $0.00USD                           Total  Price $79.99USD
ATTENTION: put your e-mail address in "Payments for" line for software Password delivery!
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or order onCD-ROM (only iside USA)                                   Product#X110116
 Sale Price$79.99USD                        Sale Tax $6.60USD                       Shipping $14.59USD                           Total  Price $94.58USD
 type total  in paypal form).
ATTENTION: put your e-mail address in "Payments for" line for software Password delivery!
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Our Amazing Fantastic Christmas Party Fun use Brand New Revolutionary  Marketing  Idea  "Instant creating continious interactive Friendly Connections with every Shopper"!
No Need in Hiring for Holidays additional  part-time Sales people! Very much cutting edge Hi-Tech! No need in Extremely Large Special Holidays Promotions Budgets and most Expensive and little results Marketing and Advertising Campaigns!
You could save Hundreds  of millions dollars each Year on  Holiday TV advertisement alone,not accounting direct marketing and other advertising chanels!

Other Ready to Use Major Holidays with Mega Sales Events includes but not limited : Memorial Day  Sales
4th of July Spectacular Labor Day  Holiday Promotions  Holiday Shopping Season (Thanksgiving, Christmas,New Year). You are welcome to Order Custom Made to Local Holidays Holiday Party Fun commercial Media Products!

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